The “PARTNER” of World Food Safety Day events is an organization committed to providing strategic and professional support to World Food Safety Day. As a WFSD partner, your principal role is to offer advisory guidance without any commercial interests. Partner organizations may operate at the local, regional, or international level, but they must hold a significant stake within the food chain and food systems.
This category is mainly suitable for regulatory bodies, academia, research organizations, professional societies, media, hotels, tour operators, regional and international organizations having an interest and stake in food supply chain.
A formal written agreement may not be considered mandatory for establishing a partnership. Nonetheless, it is recommended to maintain a high-level principal agreement through email as a prudent step to proactively address and prevent potential conflicts in the future. This email-based agreement functions as a transparent and mutually acknowledged cornerstone for our collaborative endeavors.
The choice between a formal agreement and informal consent depends on the specific circumstances and preferences of the parties involved.
This partnership is intended as a continuous and enduring commitment, extending beyond a single year or any particular World Food Safety Day event. It encompasses active participation in all annual events organized by World Food Safety Day.
Under this mutual agreement, both parties are granted explicit permission to utilize each other’s logos for promotional purposes related to World Food Safety Day events. This collaboration is intended to maximize visibility and support for these crucial initiatives